yunity heartbeat 2017-12-25

yunity heartbeat 2017-12-25

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.


We're planning the first foodsaving worldwide hackweek of 2018 at the end of February at the Kanthaus in Wurzen. If you're interested in joining us, be it as developer or communication manager, tell us via e-mail. Karrot will most likely also be part of the one-day CivicTecGbg hackathon at March 10th in Gothenburg, Sweden - thanks to Bruno for arranging this!

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yunity heartbeat 2017-12-10

yunity heartbeat 2017-12-10

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.


Happy Birthday, foodsharing! The 12.12.2012 was a big date - when and merged into what you know of as today.
This date was also chosen as the launch date for a new media campaign to spread the word about foodsaving and foodsharing even more. This is why a new landing page is published at the same time as this heartbeat.

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