Community report #1

Community report #1

A community report is a paper to reflect on what was happening over the last weeks. And to be honest: nobody knows what exactly happened, but at least this community report tries to highlight adventures and developments.

The structure of the yunity network is quite fluid. To grasp what is happening and how to participate seems sometimes a bit difficult if you're not full time involved. The following includes some of the activities that took place, tasks we solved, issues we faced and solutions we came up with.

Where are we?

We're full of excitement, working simultaneously on many tasks. Some are visible, some are on a personal level within ourselves. There is no other way to change the world before changing ourselves.

"Trust and transparency between people is key to social relations and working together for change."

What are we doing?

A lot and everything.

  • touring with yunity
  • coming closer to a Wupphouse
  • wuppdays/wuppbreak
  • Presenting the new frontend (Lars Wolf) - (you can log in as; password "123").
  • Starting the new frontend structure (Flo Hoyer)
  • Raphael Fellmer and Martin Schott left yunity, party goes on with yunity and sharecy
  • ...and much more

For more information read the community report and the full yunity heartbeat of August and September

Here some impressions in images of what has been happening.




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-- Paul from yunity