yunity heartbeat 2018-08-19

yunity heartbeat 2018-08-19

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.


After the Summer of Karrot ended three weeks ago, there were still things left to do until the new Karrot version could be released into production. We had one major task - adding the group application chat int...

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yunity heartbeat 2018-07-29

yunity heartbeat 2018-07-29

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.


The Summer of Karrot continues! Our group of four spent most of their time at Kanthaus discussing and coding features for Karrot. The group application frontend gets into shape (find out more in this forum pos...

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yunity heartbeat 2018-07-01

yunity heartbeat 2018-07-01

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.

We are having another hackweek having found it's one of the best ways to get some more focused work completed.

We didn't advertise it very widely and our focus is more for the existing contributo...

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yunity heartbeat 2018-06-17

yunity heartbeat 2018-06-17

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.


It's summer and lots of stuff is happening! But also people are very “flowy” which is one reason why this is the first heartbeat to not be published on time :( You are very welcome to blame Bodhi and Nick!


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yunity heartbeat 2018-05-27

yunity heartbeat 2018-05-27

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.

You probably noticed that you received tons of emails and needed to accept new data privacy statements from basically every service your're using, right? That's all due to GDPR and

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yunity heartbeat 2018-05-13

yunity heartbeat 2018-05-13

The yunity heartbeat - news from the world of sharing, fresh every two weeks.

Haus X

Spring is here, the spirits are high and the core group has formed - the perfect time to get things rolling in Harzgerode! That's why a series of building weeks will take place over the coming months, starting...

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